There’s never been a better time to help your clients fall (and stay) in love with you—virtually. That means relaunching your online marketing strategy. COVID-19 may have made intensive virtual marketing necessary, but you can make it enjoyable. Here are some ways to do that:
- Host a virtual event or webinar. Don’t just use it to promote your brand directly. Teach your audience something, too. Viewers will associate the lesson with your company. And if they appreciate what they’ve learned, you may have gained yourself a new client or impressed a longstanding one.
- Attend online networking events. Even if they’re virtual, they can connect you with industry experts and fellow business owners. And the right corporate or government buyer might be—or know—the perfect match to help grow your business. If you don’t take part, you’ll never know whether you’ve missed out on the right opportunity. Matchmaking meetings are also an excellent way to connect with competitors, partner with them on projects, and create long-lasting relationships. In any case, do your homework. Research prospective partners and clients in advance so that you can speak to their needs.
- Hold virtual contests and challenges. People have always enjoyed opportunities to win and have fun. That’s especially true today, when so many of us are stuck at home with limited entertainment options. Audiences that engage with your contest or challenge are more likely to share your branded content with others. And the more they do that, the more likely they are to keep your brand top of mind.
Remember that using hashtags in challenges will raise brand awareness. Use popular hashtags, but don’t forget to monitor emerging trends among consumers and influencers.
- Monitor your search engine optimization. SEO helps readers and algorithms categorize your site correctly. Ignoring location-specific searches with terms like “near me” can cost you conversions. And because Internet use has never been higher than it is now, staying on top of your company’s data analytics is critical.
- Account for audio. Interactive chats strengthen participation in virtual rooms. Sharing your expertise allows you to gain a live audience and drive traffic to your brand. For some listeners, Google updates have replaced radio broadcasts. And more seniors—and others—now use voice assistants in their daily lives.
- Demonstrate empathy. Show your audience that you care about their needs. Helping others is a great way to promote your brand. That help might include anything from volunteering to organizing a community event to sponsoring a campaign for a specific cause. Be creative!
Regardless of demographics, today’s virtual connections are stronger than ever before. If your brand messaging is strong and consistent across all channels, your audience will love you for it. Become their perfect match—starting today.
Badie Designs has years of experience creating websites that reflect client branding and marketing strategy. Contact us today for a consultation.